Så er der resultater fra DM i bassinlivredning!
04-04-2016 21:15:00:
Af: Laura Rosenkvist Schultz
Det var en tilfreds landstræner, Lila Sabbaghian Rad, efter DM i bassinlivredning i lørdags, der mener at kunne se stor fremgang i resultaterne sammenlignet med sidste år.
I lørdags blev der, som bekendt, afholdt DM i bassinlivredning på Bellahøj, og SvømmeSport har nu fået fat på resultaterne samt et par kommentarer fra landstræner Lila Sabbaghian Rad, der var yderst tilfreds med lørdagens stævne.
- DM was very well organized, special thanks to LISK and officials, fortæller Lila Rad. I was very excited to see those many attendants, mostly with motivated age group attendants. In addition, top rated swim clubs attended in Lifesaving competition and it is good news for us.
Landstræneren har samtidig et bud på, hvordan konkurrencelivredning kan blive endnu mere populært og velfungerende.
- In my opinion, in order to improve more, we need more volunteers in Lifesaving to make more and more competitions and training camps, fortæller hun og fortsætter positivt om resultaterne:
- Most of the records improved compared to last year. The national team had good performances, and they will shortly start outdoor training as well.
- We do not have a complete team right now but we are going to have a training camp in May. And I hope that we can have a complete team after the results of DM and the training camp, afslutter Lila Rad.
Mange tak til landstræner Lila Sabbaghian Rad for kommentarene.
Du kan se resultaterne fra lørdagens DM i bassinlivredning her.
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