Stævne-træningslejr-stævne venter forude
02-03-2017 14:10:00:
Af: Laura Rosenkvist Schultz
En større gruppe svømmere vil i starten af denne måned deltage i to stævner med en kort træningslejr imellem. Landstræner Dean Boles fortæller her lidt om formålet med turen.
I starten af denne måned venter der for en gruppe svømmere to stævner, hvorimellem der er placeret en træningslejr. Det første stævne er Antwerp Diamond Speedo Race, der finder sted allerede den 4. og 5. marts.
Ved Antwerp Diamond Speedo Race vil følgende svømmere deltage:
Amalie Mikkelsen (Gladsaxe Svømmeklub/NTC)
Anna Wermuth (H2Odense Svømmeklub)
Christina Munkholm (Køge Svømmeklub/NTC)
Daniel Skaaning (STT-VAT CPH/NTC)
Daniel Steen Andersen (Horsens Svømmeklub)
Emilie Beckmann (Tune IF/GTI/NTC)
Emily Gantriis (Helsinge Svømmeklub)
Frans Johannessen (Svømmeklubben Triton Ballerup)
Frederik Siem Pedersen (Farum Svømmeklub)
Gustav Friberg (Ringsted Svømmeklub/NTC)
Julie Kepp Jensen (JGI/A6)
Magnus Jákupsson (Farum Svømmeklub)
Marcus Krøyer Svendsen (Svømmeklubben Kvik, Kastrup)
Mathias Rysgaard (Holbæk Svømme Klub/NTC)
Matilde Schrøder (H2Odense Svømmeklub)
Mie Ø. Nielsen (Aalborg Svømmeklub)
Rikke Møller Pedersen (Holbæk Svømme Klub/NTC)
Sarah Bro (Holbæk Svømmeklub/NTC)
Signe Bro (Lyngby Svømmeklub/NTC)
Viktor Bromer (Aalborg Svømmeklub)
Herefter vil de 20 svømmere fortsætte til Belgien, hvor en teknisk træningslejr vil finde sted. Dette kommer til at foregå på Belgium High Performance Centre den 6. og 7. marts.
Til sidst vil ti NTC-svømmere fortsætte videre til Skotland, hvor Edinburgh International Swim Meet løber af stablen fra den 10. til den 12. marts.
Følgende NTC-svømmere deltager ved stævnet i Edinburgh:
Amalie Mikkelsen
Christina Munkholm
Daniel Skaaning
Emilie Beckmann
Gustav Friberg
Mathias Rysgaard
Pernille Blume (Gladsaxe Svømmeklub/NTC)
Rikke Møller Pedersen
Sarah Bro
Signe Bro
I forbindelse med turen har SvømmeSport fået fat i landstræner Dean Boles, der fortæller om idéen og formålet med at placere en teknisk træningslejr mellem de to stævner. Han mener, at konceptet stævne-træningslejr-stævne giver god mulighed for at evaluere på præstationerne og kan fungere som en god forberedelse frem mod topningen ved Danish Open.
Læs med herunder.
First of all, tell a little bit about the purpose of this trip?
- I very much like to get a bit more out of swim competition than times, splits, rates etc. Especially when it is leading up to a key performance moment such as the Danish Open. From the information, decisions and actions can be made and taken. Antwerp is a perfect time to test the swimmers in a competition setting as they have come off a very good training block. Let’s see where they are at.
Why did you choose to put a Technical Camp in between the two meets?
- There is so much information to gain from doing “compete-train-compete” strategy. Although not all the swimmers will be going onto another meet, they will be turning the page and focus to speed and this moment of intervention will help.
Their training is setup with seven cameras - 3 above water and 4 below. This gives a great deal of visual and qualitative information for the coach and swimmer - improve starts, turn, stroke efficiency and assist in dedicated application in the home training environment and key elements to focus on to achieve the best performance and be more reliable in getting those performances. This compete-train-compete strategy was exercised with the Great Danes last month and good things are learned.
What is the purpose of this Technical Camp? What should it do for the swimmers?
- The most efficient swimmer with great skills and solid fitness with a strong mind-set always produce the best and most reliable performance. We do a great deal of back and forth swimming therefore the thinking is a bit more time and attention to detail will only help such as the start, the turns and the efficiency of the stroke. They say a “picture is worth a thousand words”, perhaps video is worth improved seconds, tenths, even 100ths.
What will the focus be at the two meets in Antwerp and Edinburgh?
- Back to back meets after a block of training can help the transition and conversion from the training load and modality to speed and refinement of skills. Again more information and feedback for the coach and swimmer to apply in the next few weeks of preparation to the big meet.
And at last, which expectations do you have for the swimmers at the two meets and the camp? What do you hope for them to achieve?
- Learning, improvement of the key skills and a good perception and understanding of what is required in the next phase.
Mange tak til Dean for interviewet. Vi følger naturligvis de to stævner her på SvømmeSport med resultater og kommentarer fra landstræneren og NTC-træneren Martin Truijens.