Dean Boles om landsholdets Europaturné.
14-03-2018 21:58:57:
Af: Freja Marquardt
Landsholdets Europaturné, som netop er overstået efter FFN Golden Tour i Paris, bød undervejs på to stævner og derimellem en lille teknisk camp i Antwerpen. Landstræner Dean Boles fortæller her om Europaturnéen.
I weekenden sluttede landsholdet deres Europaturné af med FFN Golden Tour i Paris, hvor de danske svømmere igen leverede fine resultater. Holdet fra NTC sluttede sig til landsholdet lige inden stævnet i Paris, mens resten af truppen weekenden forinden deltog ved Diamond Speedo Race i Antwerpen. Imellem de to stævner blev landsholdet i Antwerpen, hvor de var på en kort teknisk camp.
Dean Boles fortæller her til SvømmeSport, hvad tanken bag Europaturnéen er.
- The concept of the Euro Tour is to give the swimmers and coaches an opportunity to have a 'snap shot' of their performance progression with two back to back competitions with a Training/Technical module in between. The Great Danes had this experience in January and the Senior Team had this recently with Antwerp and Paris meets, siger Dean Boles.
Det giver ifølge Dean Boles både svømmere og trænere bedre mulighed for at få et mere dybdegående indblik i, hvilke forbedringer der kan laves, når både stævner og den tekniske camp kombineres.
- The Technical focus between the two meets allows both coach and swimmer to see a clear picture of their skills primarily their start, their turns and their clean swimming stroke utilizing a state of the art video system. Six cameras (3 underwater and 3 above water at strategic accurately measured points) with the aid of an analysis software program and the experience of both coach and performance analyst some very good feedback and information is discovered as well as the opportunity in a camp setting with no distraction to actually make application and interventions to improve in a training modality. Much of the day to day training when in the home environment is just that – training - however with a focus on some of the finer points of skill and execution of such can be brought back into the day to day training with an emphasis, siger Dean Boles.
Landstræner Dean Boles er godt tilfreds med det niveau, som svømmerne viste ved både Diamond
Speedo Race i Antwerpen og FFN Golden Tour i Paris. Begge stævner var en del af landsholdets netop
overståede Europaturné. Copyrigt SVØM.
I tre dage fulgte både svømmere og trænere en fast rutine, og det er nøje gennemtænkt. Dean Boles understreger, at repetitionen er vigtig i forhold til at sikre den mest optimale læringsproces, som er nødvendig, hvis det skal kunne overføres til, når svømmerne for alvor skal præstere i bassinet.
Han giver her et kort indblik i, hvordan truppens skemalagte dage så ud:
7:30- Pre Pool Activation
8:00-10:00- Training which consisted of a 20-minute group warm-up, then 15-20 minutes of skill development and acquisition developed from the video footage, 60 minutes of a training focus, 10 minutes of revisiting the early skill portion.
10:30-12:20 Video work. Swimmers are in groups of 3 - depending on the focus. (Start)- 1 start, then feedback with correction points and then 2 to 3 more starts with more feedback- approximately 40 minutes- during this time the coach can work individually with the swimmer on the suggestions.
16:30- Pre Pool Activation or a strength training session
17:00-19:00 - Training which consisted of a 20-minute group warm-up, then 15-20 minutes of skill development and acquisition developed from the video footage, 60 minutes of a training focus, 10 minutes of revisiting the early skill portion.
Det omfattende videomateriale, som er filmet i Antwerpen, giver et dybtgående indblik i svømmernes starter, vendinger og svømmestil – og det er alt sammen filmet i det tempo, som svømmerne konkurrerer i. Samtidigt har svømmere og trænere hentet erfaringer fra to stævner, og svømmerne har nu en masse stævnemeter i kroppen.
Målet med landsholdets tur var at give både svømmere og trænere en masse detaljer at arbejde videre med nu, hvor det igen er blevet hverdag. Det sikrer dem bedre mulighed for at finpudse det sidste inden Danish Open, hvor det for alvor går løs.
SvømmeSport takker Dean Boles for interviewet!