Juba om Ottesens deltagelse i Mare Nostrum
07-06-2013 09:58:50:
Af: Anna Birkbak
Lørdag og søndag besøger den nye landstræner Jeanette Ottesen i Monaco.
Jeanette Ottesen Gray deltager ved det første Mare Nostrum-stævne i Monaco, 8.-9. juni. De to andre piger, Rikke Møller Pedersen og Pernille Blume, som i øjeblikket er på træningslejr i Sierra Nevada, vil være at finde ved de to sidste i Barcelona, 11.-12. juni, og i Canet, 15.-16. juni. Det skal desuden nævnes, at Lotte Friis også er at finde i Monaco, men selvfølgelig på vegne af sin klub, Nice. Oprindeligt skulle Jeanette alene af sted, men den nye landstræner Nick Juba har besluttet at være der sammen med hende under stævnet.
Vi har stillet Nick Juba fire hurtige spørgsmål om hans besøg hos Jeanette i Monaco denne lørdag og søndag.
What is the main purpose to visit Jeanette at Mare Nostrum, Monaco?
- I am travelling to Monaco with Jeanette so that she has coaching support for this meet. Originally she was travelling alone to this, the first of the three Mare Nostrum meets - but I am now going with her. This allows Shannon to remain at Sierra Nevada with the other girls. I have also arranged to meet up with Lotte Friis in Monaco.
Have you gotten to know Jeanette a bit as a person and a swimmer?
- Yes, I know a fair bit about Jeanette already and I like her very much. We seem to get on pretty well. Shannon is changing her whole approach to her swimming, and I am supporting these changes.
As the head coach, how will you be working with Jeanette and the other girls in the WC-group?
- I plan for Shannon to be very much in charge of the swimmers he coaches directly at Bellahoy, and my role will be to take an overview of these swimmers and offer different opinions and angles if needed. I will directly be looking after Denmark’s other top-class swimmers in Barcelona.
What do you think of the Mare Nostrum-events as a whole?
- I like the Mare Nostrum Meets. They provide excellent international competition at just the right time, in great places and in a relaxed way. I think that they will provide our swimmers with great race preparation before this summer's major events.
Mange tak til Nick Juba. Vi glæder os til at følge pigerne ved de tre Mare Nostrum-stævner, som vi vil dække her på siden.