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Le Clos og Sjöström vinder World Cup 2017

20-11-2017 21:10:00:
Af: Klaus Bach Christensen

Efter at have vundet de fleste af årets World Cups var det ikke overraskende Sarah Sjöström og Chad Le Clos, som vandt årets World Cup samlet for henholdsvis kvinder og mænd.

Årets World Cup blev færdigsvømmet i weekenden, hvor både danske Rikke Møller Pedersen og Pernille Blume deltog som et led i deres forberedelser frem mod det kommende EM, som afholdes i København i december. Ovenpå det sidste afsnit i Singapore har FINA udsendt en pressemeddelelse, som du kan læse herunder. Se også pressemeddelelsen ved at klikke her.


Pressemeddelelse fra FINA


Le Clos and Sjostrom confirm 2017 overall title



Chad Le Clos (RSA) and Sarah Sjostrom (SWE) are the overall winners of the 2017 edition of the FINA/airweave Swimming World Cup, after the completion of the eighth and final leg of the circuit in Singapore (SGP), on November 18-19. The South African great topped the ranking with 447 points, while the Swedish star was the best of the season with 629 points. Each of them will pocket US$ 150,000 for their triumph in the World Cup.


While Le Clos is used to shine in the competition - he won the 2011, 2013 and 2014 edition, and was the runner-up in 2015 and 2016 -, this is the first podium position for Sjostrom in the event.


Dominating the series from 2012 to 2016, with five consecutive wins, Hungary's Katinka Hosszu was this time second, concluding the World Cup season with 482 points. On the men's side, the best in 2016, Russia's Vladimir Morozov was not able to revalidate his title, finishing behind (333 points) Le Clos. Both Hosszu and Morozov will receive US$ 100,000 for their runner-up position in the 2017 World Cup.


In third of the overall ranking - worth US$ 50,000 - Kirill Prigoda (RUS, 270 points) among men, and Ranomi Kromowidjojo (NED, 299 points) in the women's field, managed to get in 2017 their best position ever in the competition.


The Singapore leg also marked the conclusion of the third cluster of the series, together with the Beijing (CHN) and Tokyo (JPN) rendezvous. In the women's field, the top-3 of the last cluster was a perfect replica of the overall ranking - Sjostrom, Hosszu and Kromowidjojo, by this order -, while among men Morozov was better than Le Clos (144 points for the Russian against 135 for the South African). In third, Japan's Daiya Seto concluded with 114 points.


In the last meet of the series, Morozov was the only swimmer in Singapore with three victories: 50m and 100m free, and 100m IM. Several other stars managed to get two gold medals: Emily Seebohm (AUS) in the women's 100m and 200m back; Alia Atkinson (JAM) in the women's 50m and 100m breast; Hosszu in the women's 200m and 400m IM; Sjostrom in the women's 200m free and 50m fly; Prigoda in the men's 50m and 200m breast; and Le Clos in the men's 100m and 200m fly.
Winners in Singapore (SGP)

50m free: Men - Vladimir Morozov (RUS), 20.61
100m free: Men - Vladimir Morozov (RUS), 45.56; Women - Cate Campbell (AUS), 50.85
200m free: Women - Sarah Sjostrom (SWE), 1:51.63
400m free: Men - Peter Bernek (HUN), 3:39.36
800m free: Women - Li Bingjie (CHN), 8:12.36
1500m free: Men - Gergely Gyurta (HUN), 14:33.89
50m back: Men - Pavel Sankovich (BLR), 22.82
100m back: Men - Ryosuke Irie (JPN), 49.88; Women - Emily Seebohm (AUS), 56.23
200m back: Women - Emily Seebohm (AUS), 2:01.41
50m breast: Men - Kirill Prigoda (RUS), 25.80; Women - Alia Atkinson (JAM), 29.29
100m breast: Women - Alia Atkinson (JAM), 1:03.79
200m breast: Men - Kirill Prigoda (RUS), 2:01.18
50m fly: Women - Sarah Sjostrom (SWE), 24.61
100m fly: Men - Chad Le Clos (RSA), 49.49
200m fly: Men - Chad Le Clos (RSA), 1:49.25; Women - Zhang Yufei (CHN), 2:04.22
100m IM: Men - Vladimir Morozov (RUS), 50.49
200m IM: Men - Daiya Seto (JPN), 1:51.88; Women - Katinka Hosszu (HUN), 2:04.37
400m IM: Women - Katinka Hosszu (HUN), 4:25.88


Mixed relay 4x50m medley: Australia, 1:38.65
Mixed relay 4x50m free: Australia, 1:29.34


Overall 2017 World Cup ranking

1. Sarah Sjostrom (SWE), 629 points - US$ 150,000
2. Katinka Hosszu (HUN), 482 points - US$ 100,000
3. Ranomi Kromowidjojo (NED), 299 points - US$ 50,000


1. Chad Le Clos (RSA), 447 points - US$ 150,000
2. Vladimir Morozov (RUS), 333 points - US$ 100,000
3. Kirill Prigoda (RUS), 270 points - US$ 50,000


Cluster #3 winners

1. Sarah Sjostrom (SWE), 183 points - US$ 50,000
2. Katinka Hosszu (HUN), 123 points - US$ 35,000
3. Ranomi Kromowidjojo (NED), 117 points - US$ 30,000
1. Vladimir Morozov (RUS), 144 points - US$ 50,000
2. Chad Le Clos (RSA), 135 points - US$ 35,000
3. Daiya Seto (JPN), 114 points - US$ 30,000


FINA/airweave Swimming World Cup 2017 calendar

Cluster 1
Moscow (RUS) – August 2-3
Berlin (GER) – August 6-7
Eindhoven (NED) – August 11-12

Cluster 2
Hong Kong (HKG) – September 30-October 1
Doha (QAT) – October 4-5


Cluster 3
Beijing (CHN) – November 10-11
Tokyo (JPN) – November 14-15
Singapore (SGP) – November 18-19

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