Rollason giver et par kommentarer om Mallorca
15-04-2013 11:49:43:
Af: Anna Birkbak
En stor gruppe NTC-svømmere, VM-svømmere og bruttogruppen for EM 2014 drager på træningslejr til Mallorca i næste uge.
Traditionen tro hopper landets bedste svømmere på et fly til en varmere og mere behagelig lokation end Danmark for at forberede sig på sommerens langbane-sæson. Så i næste uge tager NTC-svømmere, VM-svømmere og bruttogruppen for EM 2014 til Mallorca på en 10-14 dages træningslejr.
Vi har haft fat i NTC-træner Shannon Rollason for at få et par kommentarer om hans første træningslejr med de danske svømmere. Læs med herunder.
Hi Shannon. What will be the main focus for you on the camp?
“For me the camp will give me an opportunity to meet all the swimmers and their coaches. We have a group of 21 swimmers going, but I’m not sure how many coaches. However, I really want to work with them, have discussions and getting to know them.”
“It’s a 10-day camp for the World Championship-swimmers, and then we will be going back to NTC. I hope to do some good work and have a great training camp.”
What kind of training will the athletes do?
“It will be a combination of intensity and technique. And we will break it up in three groups, so that we have a sprint-group, a middle distance-group and a long distance-group. They will have different sets of programs for the training.”
Is there anything in particular that is important to you?
“We will have dryland-sessions and some group-sessions, where I get to talk to the swimmers. And also, I’m not going to talk to the swimmers individually without their coach being there as well – I think it would be unprofessional if I did. My main focus is definitely to talk to the coaches, have some good discussions and getting to know them and the swimmers.”
SvømmeSport ønsker Shannon og alle svømmerne en rigtig god træningslejr.