Jeanette Ottesen til World Cup i Dubai og Doha
14-10-2013 13:45:12:
Af: Anna Birkbak
Landstræner Nick Juba giver en kommentar med på vejen om Jeanettes deltagelse.
Første World Cup-stævne i ”anden runde” af hele serien fandt sted i weekenden i Moskva. Der blev vist flotte takter og hurtig svømning, specielt i den med spænding ventede duel i 100m brystsvømning mellem russiske Yulia Efimova og Litauens Ruta Meilutyte. Der var det sidstnævnte, der trak det længste strå i finalen lørdag aften, da hun satte ny verdensrekord i tiden 1.02.36. Læs nyheden her. Det blev desuden til en europarekord på den halve distance om søndagen, da Meilutyte satte konkurrenterne til vægs i tiden 28.88.
Nu går turen så videre til Mellemøsten, hvor der vil være to World Cup-stævner i hhv. Dubai d. 17.-18. oktober og i Doha d. 20.-21. oktober. Derefter vil der være cirka to ugers pause inden tredje og sidste runde af World Cup afvikles i Asien.
I første omgang kan vi dog vende vores øjne imod Dubai og Doha, hvor Jeanette Ottesen Gray og Mads Glæsner vil deltage. Vi har talt med landstræner Nick Juba for at høre lidt om især Jeanette Ottesens Grays deltagelse i World Cup-serien. Læs med herunder:
Hi Nick. What is the reason for Jeanette to participate in the two World Cup legs in Dubai and Doha?
“Well, first of all because she is invited! She is a great swimmer, especially on the short course, so she will be good to have in the events. Secondly, she has not been in the water for quite some time now. She has had a long period of rest after the Worlds and the first World Cup meets that followed. So she has just come back to the water now to start competing again.”
Then how is her current form – and what is her aim with these two events?
“The Worlds was an overwhelming experience for all the girls, and Jeanette did very well in the early World Cup-events. But she needed a big rest to recover, so she should not be too fit at this point. She is participating to get back in the game, take stock of everything and get some race practice. The main thing for her is just to begin the next phase toward the European Champs in Herning, so it would be unfair to have high expectations at this point because she still is in the early stages of the season.”
“Furthermore, the European Championships would normally not be of high importance to a swimmer at her level, but because it is in Herning it has big importance for her. So these two World Cup meets will get her back in the right mind – after all she is one of the front figures of the event, and she is looking very much forward to it.”
Mange tak til Nick Juba, der dog ikke rejser med Jeanette Ottesen Gray til de to stævner. Mads Glæsner kommer desuden direkte fra USA for at deltage. Vi vil selvfølgelig dække World Cup-serien her på siden.
Læs med i morgen, når vi har et endnu interview klar med Jeanette Ottesen Gray.
Besøg FINA's hjemmeside for mere information om World Cup-serien her.