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SvømmeSport blev oprettet af Dansk Svømmeunion i 2012. Frem til 2018 har nyhedssitet været drevet af studentermedarbejdere. Dette koncept ophørte imidlertid medio 2018. Herefter er hjemmesiden blevet driftet af Dansk Svømmeunions ansatte. Fokus på SvømmeSport er primært: high performance svømning, åbent vand, high performance udspring og konkurrencelivredning. Emnerne behandles primært på skrift men også via video i den udstrækning, det er muligt. Hjemmesiden skal gerne betragtes på lige fod med øvrige nyhedssites om svømning.
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Lotte Friis rykker til Baltimore

02-09-2013 16:34:00:
Af: Anna Birkbak

Vi har talt med landstræner Nick Juba om Lottes beslutning.

I weekenden løb rygterne: Lotte Friis ville flytte fra sin klub i Nice for at træne med de bedste i Baltimore - og under den legendariske træner Bob Bowman. Og ganske rigtigt, så har Lotte Friis lagt planer om at flytte sin daglige træning til North Baltimore Aquatics Club.


Vi har talt med landstræner Nick Juba om, hvad Lotte kan få ud af det.


Lotte Friis has left Nice and is going to start swimming in Baltimore in North Baltimore Aquatic Club. What do you think about her decision?

“Lotte is taking a break from Nice. She may return after Christmas, she may not. It has been left open-ended. Fabrice Pellegrin, the Nice coach had indicated that he was going to focus in different training areas in the upcoming period. Lotte is keen to swim fast in the home-based European Short Course Championships in Herning in December and this influenced the decision. I think that it is a good one. I believe that she is at the stage in her career where she needs to embrace new challenges and where better than in the States.”

For how long is Lotte going to stay in Baltimore and will she return to Nice after her stay in the US?

“Initially Lotte will swim with Bob Bowman in Baltimore until the end of the year. It may then be extended but obviously it depends on how things shape up.”


Do you think that this change of club will have any influence on her results in Herning in December?

“I don't know but I hope so! Lotte's swims in Barcelona were amongst the best of her career - if not the very best - and she will be hoping to keep this form going. She is very proud of being Danish and so I would expect her to swim fast in front of her home crowd!”

How much do you know about the swimclub in Baltimore? And do you know the person, who is going to be her coach, named Bob Bowman?

“Baltimore was the home to the mighty Michael Phelps and Bob Bowman was his coach. What more can you say! Yes, I know Bob. He is a very nice man, and obviously a great coach.”


Mange tak til Nick - og vi ønsker Lotte al mulig held og lykke med hendes træning i USA!



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