Bas Jan Stam om Rollasons ansættelse
08-02-2013 14:42:56:
Af: Anna Birkbak
Vi har spurgt den assisterende NTC-træner om sin nye australske kollega Shannon Rollason.
Forleden havde vi her på SvømmeSport fat i Rikke Møller Pedersen for at høre om hendes forhåbninger til sin nye træner på NTC-centret i Bellahøj. I dag har vi talt med den assisterende NTC-træner, Bas Jan Stam, for at få en kommentar med på vejen om hans tanker. Interviewet er på engelsk. Læs med herunder:
Hi Bas. Have you heard about Shannon before?
“Yes, I have heard about Shannon before and of course much more in the last few weeks”
Do you know anything about his CV, his way of training or his strengths, and how do you feel about it?
“I do now, and I found out (much) more about him. Not so much about his way of training. But people are already talking (too much) about it. Without any doubt I think we will see soon enough when we start working with him. Then we will see and experience who he is to ourselves. So it is a little bit difficult to say how I feel about it. What I know are his great results in many ways, the normally open mind of Australian people and his great experience in swimming.”
Is there anything particular you hope he will be able to do for the swimmers or Danish swimming in general (by himself or in cooperation with you)?
“A lot of things. First of all to go on with the very positive line in Danish Swimming, which is very good results at (high) international level. And then go on with a much better and professional organization level (still a lot more to do!) and try to make the swimmers think that being in the NTC is an honor for the most talented Danish swimmers, their coaches, clubs and so on.”
Mange tak til Bas for hans kommentarer. I morgen, d. 9. februar, starter vi her på SvømmeSport en lille optakt til NTC-svømmerne og VM-bruttogruppens træningslejr i Thailand. Her skal Bas Jan Stam selvfølgelig med, og han har også givet sine kommentarer til, hvordan lejren kommer til at forløbe. Dem kan du læse d. 11. februar. Vi forsøger i øvrigt at få både videoer og reaktioner løbende fra svømmere og trænere under lejren!