Dean Boles om Danish Open: Der er mulighed for at sammenligne med resten af verden
11-04-2018 21:14:33:
Af: Freja Marquardt
Landstræner Dean Boles ser frem til Danish Open, som begynder i morgen. Rundt omkring i de andre svømmenationer er der lignende stævner, og derfor kan de danske svømmeres præstationer og nuværende niveau sammenlignes med andre internationale profiler.
I morgen, torsdag den 12. april begynder Danish Open. Stævnet foregår på Bellahøj Svømmestadion og vil strække sig over otte afsnit, og afsluttes således søndag aften. Til stævnet vil de fleste fra Danmarks absolutte svømmeelite være til stede, og de skal kæmpe for at kvalificere sig til sommerens Europæiske Langbanemesterskab.
Landstræner Dean Boles ser frem til stævnet, hvor han forventer at se hurtig svømning over hele linjen.
- First off, I, with many others, am extremely happy that the Danish Open can take place. This is the premier Danish Meet of the season where the best come together to perform their best for selection for Jr and Sr Teams (International and Domestic). My overall view and expectations of the competition is to see the swimmers and coaches who have prepared to their best ability through months of training and we see the work come through with improved performances. Personal best times and performances that establish a benchmark for even better performances in the summer. Further to this I would like to see the depth of the competition show strength and improvement with Top 8 and Top 16 times be better than before. Simply put, to see it take a faster time to be a part of the A final, B final and C final. As well the depth of improve standard to reach the podium in many events not just a few. If we have that then the expectations on the first level are met for the European LC Championships because we will have a team of swimmers who have shown their worth, carried on the momentum from the SC Europeans in December to this first of many steps to the summer, siger Dean Boles
Det er ikke kun Danmark, som afholder kvalifikationsstævne nu, og derfor er Dean Boles også meget interesseret i at se, hvordan de danske svømmere placerer sig i forhold til deres udenlandske konkurrenter, som også skal ud og kvalificere sig til sommerens mesterskaber.
- April is an interesting period for seeing where most of the World is in swimming. Most federations are hosting selection meets as well some major championships are taking place. We will have the ability to match up our swimmers to that of a world standard—a ‘snap shot’ of where we are right now and then project to where we need to be come August. The Danish Open is positioned well for that matter, siger Dean Boles.
Landstræner Dean Boles ser frem til de næste fire dage, hvor Danish Open finder sted på Bellahøj Svømmestadion.
Copyright Lars Møller
Landstræner Dean Boles har store forventninger til svømmernes præstationer ved Danish Open. Hvilken læring han selv tager med derfra ved vi først på søndag, men, han forventer, at se svømmerne demonstrere, at de har hævet deres niveau, og at de formår at præstere, når det virkelig gælder.
- I would expect the swimmers to show what their training has produced. If the swimmer has been healthy, progressing well in the day-to-day training, showed well in the Long Course preceding this period then we should see some very good swimming. For some it will be personal bests, newfound results and selection to the international teams. I’m looking forward to the swimmers who take the leap to be better, look for those eye-opening performances that make competition exciting and the potential of better swimmers, which are competitive in the international arena, siger Dean Boles.
SvømmeSport takker landstræner Dean Boles for interviewet, og ønsker alle svømmere og trænere et godt Danish Open!