Udtagelseskriterier for OL-holdkapper
04-02-2016 09:30:00:
Af: Anna Birkbak
Dansk Svømmeunions sportsafdeling har netop offentliggjort kriterierne for udtagelse af holdkapper til de Olympiske Lege 2016.
I forbindelse med offentliggørelsen har SvømmeSport talt med cheflandstræner Nick Juba om kriterierne. Du kan læse interviewet nedenfor.
Du finder udtagelseskriterierne (the relay selection policy) på dette link, og du kan derudover altid finde dem samt de andre gældende kravtider under internationale kravtider på svoem.org.
Hi Nick. Who is the policy aimed at? Has there been a demand from clubs, coaches, swimmers etc. to know how SVØM selects the Olympic relays?
- The relays are an important part of the make-up of our final team for Rio. And, of course, everyone needs to understand and be clear how these teams can qualify and be selected.
- The relay selection policy, which has been agreed with both DIF and Team Denmark, is now on the Federation website. But broadly speaking the best four 'eligible' swimmers in each perspective team from a combination of performances at the 2015 World Championships and the upcoming Danish Open must have a time that is faster than the 12th best relay time in Kazan. We have also added a relay takeover 'tolerance' to the times.
The opportunity to qualify further relay teams is the European Champs in May. When will the selection of swimmers for this event be made?
- We will look at the results of the Danish Open and then weigh up the opportunities for qualification at the European Championships in London in May.
Do you see DK having a reasonable shot at more relays in Rio than the two which have already qualified?
- I would like to think that swimmers will step up and that other teams can qualify. Personally I feel that some of the relay challenges are well within reach.
- At the same time I need to stress that we must 'look after' our potential medal winners. These swimmers quite simply have to be the priority for Denmark.
Mange tak til Nick Juba.