Landstræner Dean Boles ser tilbage på et succesfuldt EM
19-12-2017 20:27:00:
Af: Klaus Bach Christensen
Fremtiden for dansk svømning ser lys ud, og den danske landstræner ser et fortsat stort potentiale i EM-svømmerne og i dansk svømning generelt.
EM-festen sluttede i søndags, hvor det henover de fem mesterskabsdage blev til i alt syv danske medaljer. Den store danske succes skyldtes i høj grad de svømmeglade og ekstatiske tilskuere i Royal Arena, og med en flot slutspurt og en sand medaljeregn søndag aften formåede de danske svømmere at overgå de opsatte mål fra sportsafdelingen i Dansk Svømmeunion. Det var derfor en meget tilfreds dansk landstræner, vi på SvømmeSport har fået til at evaluere Europamesterskabet - Dean Boles udtaler.
- Our target on paper was 6 medals and 10 finals and the team delivered 7 medals and 14 finals. Beyond the medal and final count the Team delivered exiting races, proud moments for the swimming fans and the country to be proud Danes. Sometimes difficult to quantify but in my mind, we have brought some excitement to the sport of swimming and that in itself may help motivate and inspire the swimming community for the next little while. I was pleases to see strong performances come from our veteran swimmers, our up and comers and as well the swimmers at their first senior international competition.
Se eller gense videointerviews med de danske EM-svømmere her.
Dean Boles har oplevet mange store mesterskaber og konkurrencer i sin tid som træner og landstræner, men han hæfter sig ved, at Europamesterskabet på hjemmebane i Royal Arena, var en af de største oplevelser, han har haft som træner.
- I have been fortunate to experience some very exciting competitive championships as well being part of home country championship and games, and I have to say the 2017 European SC Championships in Copenhagen has reached my top three championship experiences. The Venue, the excitement and atmosphere but more importantly the support to the Danish Swim Team by the fans, the volunteers - that was a humble experience. I was so very appreciative to be a part of it. Being surrounded with good people can lead to very good success. A ‘tip of my hat’ to the organizing team - well done!
De danske tilskuere skabte en forryggende stemning på tribunen rundt om konkurrencebassinet i Royal Arena.
Foto: Michael Jensen
Og landstræneren uddyber, hvad han særligt var tilfreds med.
- Seeing swimmers face the challenge and embrace the energy of the excitement. To see Pernille Blume continue her momentum from the Olympics and the Worlds, to see Emilie Beckmann to perform with great composure and for Rikke Moeller Pedersen to show her ability to rebound from a disappointing performance to a solid one. Swimmers like Julie Kepp Jensen and Anton Ipsen step up to be in the finals to place better than ever before; Seeing the swimmers like Caroline Erichsen, Josefine Pedersen, Emily Gantriis and Tobias Bjerg step up with personal bests advancing to the semi-finals. As well the swimmers who didn’t advance but performed personal bests like Anna Wermuth and Mathias Rysgaard shows us it can be done. Another key measurement was our ability to draw from deep in the team for relays as a strategic manner to get the job done to preserve key swimmers for the finals. Example of these 7 swimmers contributed to winning the silver medal in the women’s 4x50 medley.
Se eller gense stemningsbilleder fra EM her.
Den danske EM-trup var rekordstor, og ikke mindre end 38 svømmere deltog i Europamesterskabet. Flere af svømmerne er under 20 år, og nogle endda stadig juniorsvømmere. Landstræneren mener da derfor også, at fremtiden for dansk svømning ser meget lys ud på grund af det store potentiale de danske landsholdsvømmere besidder, og det store potentiale der er i dansk svømning generelt.
- I saw this when I first arrived attending my first Age group championship in Odense. I feel our Jr National Program is performing well in the Nordic and European Jr championship level and is proving to be a good feeder to the senior team - we have continued to bridge the gap from the Jr Team level to the level of the Senior team level and with the intent to move all levels at a pace to keep up with the world improvement. We have to continue to roll up our sleeves and do better with the potential. That’s not just the Federation but the coaches and clubs.
Her et par dage efter afslutningen på Europamesterskabet, som blev afholdt den 13.-17. december i Royal Arena, vil landstræneren ikke fremhæve enkeltpræstationer eller lave en liste over de 10 vigtigste EM-begivenheder. I stedet siger han.
- To list one or 10 may not do justice but to recognize the team (a large team) came together and supported each other all the way through as One Team One Goal set of values showed us it can be done. We have to work at it to become the ‘new normal’ for the Danish Swim Team.
Tak til landstræner Dean Boles for evalueringen og tillykke med de flotte danske resultater.
Den danske landstræner Dean Boles.